the practice of quieting the mind Energy within and energy without REAL Peace is always unshakable

Free Tea

for members in our cafe

Welcome to Mandala Yoga Studio

Every facet of daily life is aligned with the purpose of nurturing, health, harmony, and spiritual growth and provides a complete experiential education in holistic living. Experience the power of integrative healing medicine. Book a treatment now!

Yoga Classes

We offer classes such as you, pregnancy yoga, meditation, pilates

Events & Services

To make an apointment with us, please contact us by email or telephone

Cafe & Shop

Welcome to check our fantastic selection of products in our online store
trust the vibes you get

Our Philosophy

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yoga rooms
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More than 40 Classes for You

Every facet of daily life is aligned with the purpose of nurturing, health, harmony, and spiritual growth and provides a complete experiential education in holistic living. Experience the power of integrative healing medicine. Book a treatment now!
tasty or healthy? both!

Mandala Yoga Cafe

In our Mandala Cafe we offer a wide selection of the world's best black, green, white and herbal teas. Experience the power of integrative healing sipping our one of our healthy coctails or drinking yogi team. Come and experience the magic on your own!
need some equipment?

Welcome to Our Shop

In our holistic shop, we offer a wide range of products for your spiritual growth and education in holistic living.: yoga, fitness, pilates, meditation and massage, as well as many beauty products. You are welcome to explore our fantastic selection here in our online store.

What Our Clients Say About Us?

Sebastián, Odontólogo. Buenos Aires, Retiro Córdoba Junio 2021

Vine a este retiro sin ninguna expectativa, y me llevo muchas más vivencias de las que creía que iba a vivenciar.

Claudio, Farmacéutico. Buenos Aires, Retiro Córdoba Mayo 2021

Les quiero contar que realmente es una experiencia nueva, importante, profunda, vale la pena pasarla, vivirla, porque no son muchos los momentos que tenemos en la vida cotidiana para encontrarnos y conocernos un poquito más. Les recomiendo Retiro de Hombres con este equipo de gente profesional que te hacen vivir días de retiro inolvidables.

Pablo, Administrador de Empresas. Pilar, Buenos Aires, Retiro Córdoba Marzo 2021

Es una experiencia nueva, enriquecedora, y si lo tuviese que definir en una palabra seria crecimiento. Y así pude descubrir ciertas cosas que uno habitualmente en la vida no encuentra por el ritmo de la vida, que te va llevando a cerrarte o no mostrarte tal cual sos. Es una hermosa experiencia para poder encontrarse con uno mismo.


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Every facet of daily life is aligned with the purpose of nurturing, health, harmony, and spiritual growth and provides a complete experiential education in holistic living. Experience the power of integrative healing medicine. Book a treatment now!

Chicago, IL 60606
123, New Lenox